Trading Forex using Step Stochastic Trading System with Multiple Moving Average Indicators (STEP STOCH)

How to Trading Forex using Step Stochastic Trading System with Multiple Moving Average Indicators. Regardless of how strong a strategy ever might be, it will never be 100% predictive of market movements. The future is opaque with or without a strong strategy.   A good strategy can simply allow the trader to focus on higher-probability[…]

Forex Double MACD Support Resistance Trading System with Force Index Indicator (MACD)

How to Become A Profitable Forex Trader with Forex Double MACD Support Resistance Trading System.  The Double MACD is an indicator that compares the Signal lines of 2 MACDs. This comparison can cause a much faster reaction than the normal MACD – less lag. Yet, the fast reaction is not such that it over-reacts.  […]

Does Forex Trading Destroy the Economy and Increases Inflation

Does forex trading destroy the economy and increases inflation?…  Is it immoral to earn a living like that? Money must be ONLY MEANS of exchange things for other things – but a trader just pumps money and can buy everything without producing anything physical – he does not build a house, produce goods, deliver services etc.[…]

Forex Trend Reversal Points Trading System with RSI and Moving Average Indicators

Forex Trading Reversals  – Very easy and simple Forex Intraday Trend Reversal Points Trading System with RSI and Moving Average Indicators. Trading reversals is made up of two-parts, one emotional and one part logical.   Emotional Part : The emotional part is that the trader’s ego loves to call the top or bottom. The error[…]

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