Complete Forex Trend Momentum Trading Strategy With Accutare Filter Indicators

Complete Forex Trend Momentum Trading Strategy with FVT Indicator and more filters. This is a trend following trading system based on FVT Signal and EMA. You can trade intraday or swing. This strategy is discretionary.


Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

The “Exponential Moving Average”, or “EMA”, indicator was developed to counter the lagging weakness of the SMA indicator by weighting more recent prices more heavily. Its origins are unknown, but its use was designed to smooth out the effects of price volatility and create a clearer picture of changing price trends.
Traders use an EMA, sometimes in concert with another EMA for a different period, to signal confirmation of a change in price behavior.
The EMA indicator uses “period” and “price”, as does the SMA, but fresher prices are given more weight to make the indicator respond more quickly to market changes. Since it reacts more quickly, it is prone to generate more false signals.
The EMA works well in tandem with another EMA in strong trending markets, but the use of an EMA in a sideways market is not recommended. Since the EMA is so popular, it can often form a support or resistance line, depending on the type of trend, that traders respect in their decision-making process.

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Trading System Rules


Time frame :15 min or higher.

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Financial Markets: Indicies, Currency pairs and Commodities.


MetaTrader Indicators:
  • T3 Clean,
  • Moving average 200 period (optional),
  • Ema 89 close (optional),
  • EMA 55 close, (optional),
  • EMA 21 close, (optional),
  • Signal bars,
  • Strength Candles > 60,
  • FVT Signal,
  • 1 indicator,
  • 2 indicator,
  • volatility qualitiy nrp, (optional)
  • Ssl Fast. (optional)


Buy Rules


  • Indicator 2 green dot,
  • FVT Signal aqua bar.


Sell Rules


  • Indicator 2 red dot
  • FVT maron bar.


Exit Position is discretionary.

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