Top 10 Forex ADX Trading System (High Accuracy ADX System)

Top 10 Forex ADX Trading System – Traders believe that the trend is a friend. As a result, there are numerous trading indicators that are meant to confirm a trend.

Once the trend is identified, however, the challenge is DETERMINING THE BEST TIME to enter and exit a trade.

The ADX is used to measure the strength or weakness of a trend and is therefore used alongside the +DM and -DM to determine the best course of action.

Put together, Wilder created a framework for trading out of the ADX, DI+, and DI – the trio of lines.


Top 10 Forex ADX Trading Systems

Traders start by using the ADX to determine if there is a trend.

A strong trend is occurring when the ADX is over 25; likewise, there is no trend when the ADX falls below 20.

Take a look at the image below.

When the +DI line is greater than the -DI line, the bulls have the directional edge.

However, when the -DI line is above the +DI line, the bears have the directional edge.

As with all technical trends, traders use several indicators to confirm a movement.

One option is to sell when -DI is up and the major trend is down.

Another option is to buy when +DI is higher than -DI, but only when the larger trend is also moving up.

In other words, it is possible to use the ADX as a way to time an entry on a market that is already confirmed to be trading in a particular direction.

And below are Top 10 Forex ADX Trading Systems (High Accuracy System):


1. Trend MA RSI and Multi ADX Trading Strategy

How to Win Consistently in Forex Trading –   Tips and Tricks easy forex trading with Trend MA RSI and Multi TimeFrame ADX Trading Strategy.

If you want to be the best trader, you must learn from the best trader and use the best trading system.

Trend MA RSI and Multi TimeFrame ADX Trading Strategy are one of the best trading systems.

But Novice should start with one currency pair at firstly – Most successful traders have made money from trading a limited number of currency pairs – sometimes only one.

The reason is predominantly that to be really good in a pair you have to focus.

MAs are good for confirming trend but you will almost always need a more timely entry/exit signal. But with additional elements, they work pretty well.

Using an MA crossover entry and a reverse crossover for the exit is almost guaranteed to lose.


How to use Trend MA RSI and Multi TimeFrame ADX Trading Strategy ?…


2. M5 Forex Breakout Trading System and Strategy with CCI and ADX

High-profit M5 Forex Breakout Trading System and Strategy.

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This M5 Scalping Intraday Breakout is a forex strategy based on the breakout box, CCI, ADX, and ASCTrend Indicator.

Commodity Channel Index (CCI) – An oscillator used in technical analysis to help determine when an investment vehicle has been overbought and oversold.

The Commodity Channel Index, first developed by Donald Lambert, quantifies the relationship between the asset’s price, a moving average (MA) of the asset’s price, and normal deviations (D) from that average.

It is computed with the following formula:

The CCI has seen substantial growth in popularity amongst technical investors; today’s traders often use the indicator to determine cyclical trends in not only commodities but also equities and currencies.

The CCI, when used in conjunction with other oscillators, can be a valuable tool to identify potential peaks and valleys in the asset’s price, and thus provide investors with reasonable evidence to estimate changes in the direction of price movement of the asset.


3. The ADX Currency Strength Trading

Best and High Profitable Forex Trading Strategy Based on The Currency Strength – This scalping system is a strategy based on the currency strength (JPY, USD, CAD, EUR, CHF, AUD, GBP, NZD).

The best time frame 15 -60 min but this method can also be configured on other time frames.

Average Directional Index (ADX) is used to quantify trend strength.

ADX calculations are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a given period of time.

The default setting is 14 bars, although other time periods can be used.

ADX can be used on any trading vehicle such as stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and futures.


4. Forex Easy M15 Trading the London and New York Session With Moving Average and ADX

Trading the London – New York Session With Moving Average and ADX.

The open of the London session at 3:00 AM is when many consider this type of behavior to be starting for the day in the FX Market.

By many accounts, London is the heart of the FX market with approximately 35% of daily volume transacted during this session.

As the US (New York) session begins 5 hours later, the environment can change quite a bit as even more liquidity is entering the market; and this time it is coming from both sides of the Atlantic.

For the purposes of this article, we are going to focus on the London session, before the US opens for business (3-8 AM Eastern Time).

The slower Tokyo market will lead to the London session, and as prices begin to come from liquidity providers based in the United Kingdom, traders can usually see volatility increase.

As prices begin to come in from London, the ‘average hourly move’ on many of the major currency pairs will often increase.


5. Forex Nihilist Ultra ADX Trading Strategy

Forex Nihilist Ultra ADX Trading Strategy – This high accuracy trading system is an extremely low risk, high reward strategy which can and will change your life if you use it properly.

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I’m not exaggerating when I say this is probably going to be the easiest money you’ll ever make….it is!

The only thing that could make this system fail over the long term is you not sticking to the rules…….that’s it!


6. Advanced Forex ADX Moving Average Trading System

Forex ADX Moving Average Trading System – This is an extremely low risk, high reward strategy which can and will change your life if you use it properly.

The only thing that could make this system fail over the long term is you not sticking to the rules…….that’s it!

If you stick to the rules of the system, you’re going to be smiling from ear to ear as you watch your account grow at an astonishing rate every month from now on.


7. Easy SWING Trading System Based on ADX and Momentum

Forex Easy SWING Trading System based on Easy Forex System, ADX, and Momentum Indicator.  Many trading strategies Forex Easy SWING Trading System use the ADX indicator to identify strong trends.

The ADX indicator is good at identifying strong trends, it is a lagging indicator.

Lagging indicators might work for position and SWING trading.


8. Forex Bollinger Bands Super Reversal Trading System With Supporting ADX Indicator

Forex Bollinger Bands Super Reversal Trading System – This Forex Bollinger Bands Super Reversal trading system is a momentum reversal strategy.

This trading system is good for trading also for binary options high/Low and One touch.

What’s a Bollinger Bands

Bollinger Bands consist of a center line and two price channels (bands) above and below it.

The center line is an exponential moving average; the price channels are the standard deviations of the stock being studied.

The bands will expand and contract as the price action of an issue becomes volatile (expansion) or becomes bound into a tight trading pattern (contraction).

Bollinger Bands have become one of the most useful and commonly used tools in spotlighting extreme short-term prices in a security. Buying when stock prices cross below the lower Bollinger Band often helps traders take advantage of oversold conditions and profit when the stock price moves back up toward the center moving-average line.

There are two setting for trade

  • Time Frame: 15 min or higher. (15 min time frame only for forex majors and Indices S&P 500, DAX, FTSE, Dow Jones).
  • Markets: Forex, Indices, Commodities.
  • Currency pairs: any
Forex Bollinger Bands Super Reversal Indicators
  • Bollinger Bands ( 50; deviation 2);
  • Bollinger Bands ( 50; deviation 3);
  • Bollinger Bands ( 50; deviation 4);
  • Smoothed HA
  • Nihilist Trend Filter 1
  • Nihilist Trend Filter 2
  • Nihilist Ultra Trend
  • Supporting ADX (9 periods, close with two levels: 35, 40), this indicator is for a conservative approach.
  • In the same window (RSI 14, with CCI 20);
  • Exponential moving average 3 periods, close;
  • Exponential moving average 14 periods, close.
  • Rules Super Reversal Trading System (aggressive)
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9. ADX Power Trend Forex Trading System

ADX Power Trend Forex Trading System is a swing trend following system filtered by long term and medium term indicator.

Entering into a fading or weakening trend is one of the most frustrating things a trader can encounter.

Many traders have strategies for trend entry but if a trend has run its course and is weakening then it is of no use to you regardless of the entry set-ups.

Combining the Average Directional Index or ADX with a Trend Entry strategy can help you trade breakouts and pullbacks with higher probability.

The ADX is used to qualify and quantify trend strength.

The approach and display are very simple.

The ADX filter can have very beneficial effects on your trading results.

The indicator measures only strength but not directional bias.

This allows the trader to choose the strongest trends to enter and let profits run when the trend is strong as per the ADX.

  • Time Frame: 240 minutes or daily.
  • Currency pairs: any.


10. Nihilist ADX System

Nihilist Forex Trading System with the ADX Indicator. Trading in the direction of a strong trend reduces risk and increases profit potential.

The average directional index (ADX) is used to determine when a price is trending strongly.

In many cases, it is the ultimate trend indicator.


After all, the trend may be your friend, but it sure helps to know who your friends are.

In this article in this article, we’ll examine the value of ADX as a trend strength indicator.

ADX calculations are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a given period of time.

The default setting is 14 bars, although other time periods can be used.ADX can be used on any trading vehicle such as stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and futures.

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