This is the Forex Secret Protocol system. I made it to be easier for you to trade, so now it’s pure mechanical. But enough talking, let’s move straight to the system itself.

Here we have 11 newly coded indicators, 2 of them are plotted on the price chart and the rest 9 are located in separate windows. Here they are:
- FSP Range & Spread
- FSP Short Trend
- FSP Conservative Trend
- FSP HTF Trend
- FSP Fast Trend
- FSP Ultra Conservative Entry
- FSP Conservative Entry
- FSP Medium Aggressive Entry
- FSP Aggressive Entry
- FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry
- FSP Fast Entry
In order to use the new FCP Forex Trading System, you need to unzip the Trading System .RAR file somewhere on your computer. Then on your MT4 platform click on File, then Open Data Folder, double click on MQL4 folder, double click on Indicators folder and put all .ex4 indicator files there. Then click twice on back button and double click on templates folder, then put the FSP.tpl template file there.
After that, restart your MT4 and simply load the FSP template, and you will have your chart set up properly with all the indicators needed loaded on there.

1. FSP Range & Spread.

This indicator shows the current visible chart range or volatility, which helps us to determine if the pair has enough volatility to offer good tradable set ups. Also, it shows the current candle’s remaining time and the current pair spread.
2. FSP Short Trend.
This indicator uses some new calculations based on our regular TrendSentry to determine the short term trend direction.
3. FSP Conservative Trend.
This indicator uses all 3 basic indicators we have – TrendSentry, TrendEnforcer and Trendanator, to determine the most secure trend direction. That’s why it’s called Conservative Trend.
4. FSP HTF Trend.

This is our regular as per original FSP rules higher timeframe trend, but now there is no need to switch to higher timeframes in order to determine the long term trend direction there.
5. FSP Fast Trend.

This indicator shows the higher timeframe Trendanator color, which we are using for confirmation of the Ultra Aggressive type of entries.
6. FSP Ultra Conservative Entry.

This is a new entry type that uses the original Conservative Entry conditions along with the Trendanator’s bands break to determine the best and most secure entry.
7. FSP Conservative Entry.

This is an indicator that shows when there is a Conservative Entry.
8. FSP Medium Aggressive Entry.

This indicator shows when there is a Medium Aggressive Entry.
9. FSP Aggressive Entry.

This shows when there is an Aggressive Entry.
10. FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry.

This shows when there is an Ultra Aggressive Entry.
11. FSP Fast Entry.

This is an entry based on TrendSentry and Trendanator indicators.
Trading FCP Secret Protocol
First, we can trade this new FSP Forex system as per original rules by using FSP HTF Trend indicator to determine the long term trend direction and then use one of the FSP Conservative Entry or FSP Medium Aggressive Entry.
For FSP Aggressive Entry, we don’t need any higher timeframe confirmations and can place them as soon as we have a signal. For FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry, we have to use the FSP Fast Trend to confirm our entry and of course we need to have that huge move in the opposite site of our entry signal direction.
Old entry types
Conservative and Medium Aggressive long trade rules:
- FSP HTF Trend indicator to be colored blue showing that there is an uptrend going on at the moment.
- Some of FSP Conservative Entry or FSP Medium Aggressive Entry indicators to have one closed blue bar and the next current one to be blue also.
- Next if all the above conditions were met, a long entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.

Conservative Long Entry

Medium Aggressive Long Entry
Conservative and Medium Aggressive short trade rules:
- FSP HTF Trend indicator to be colored red showing that there is a downtrend going on at the moment.
- Some of FSP Conservative Entry or FSP Medium Aggressive Entry indicators to have one closed red bar and the next current one to be red also.
- Next if all the above conditions were met, a short entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
Conservative Short Entry

Medium Aggressive Short Entry
Aggressive long trade rules:
- FSP Aggressive Entry indicator to have one closed blue bar and the next current one to be blue also.
- Next, a long entry can be opened.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.

Aggressive Long Entry
Aggressive short trade rules:
- FSP Aggressive Entry indicator to have one closed red bar and the next current one to be red also.
- Next, a short entry can be opened.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.

Aggressive Short Entry
Ultra Aggressive long trade rules:
- A strong move downwards should occur prior the entry signal. For a guideline can be used that for 5 minute timeframe a move of at least 80 pips should be seen.
- FSP Fast Trend indicator to be colored blue.
- FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry indicator to have one closed blue bar and the next current one to be blue also.
- Next if all the above conditions were met, a long entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
Ultra Aggressive Long Entry
Ultra Aggressive short trade rules:
- A strong move upwards should occur prior the entry signal. For a guideline can be used that for 5 minute timeframe a move of at least 80 pips should be seen.
- FSP Fast Trend indicator to be colored red.
- FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry indicator to have one closed red bar and the next current one to be red also.
- Next if all the above conditions were met, a short entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
Ultra Aggressive Short Entry
These were the rules to trade the newly coded indicators as per original FSP entry rules. However, we have some newly added indicators that could increase our probability for success. Now let’s see how we can use them in our trading to become more profitable.
New entry types
The most secure and with higher probability for success long trade rules:
- All 10 indicators should be colored blue.
- At the close of the current candle, when the last of the indicators turns blue and opening of the next one a long entry can be placed as long as all 10 indicators remain blue.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- When there is a strong uptrend established or when the market moves against the trade, it can be closed manually when some of the 4 Trend Indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend flips to the opposite color or disappears.
Using this exit from a trade can maximize the profits when used in strong trending markets. On the other hand, using it when the market goes against the trade can preserve the trading capital by closing the position way before the predetermined Stop Loss.

The most secure and with higher probability for success short trade rules:
- All 10 indicators should be colored red.
- At the close of the current candle, when the last of the indicators turns red and opening of the next one a short entry can be placed as long as all 10 indicators remain red.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- When there is a strong uptrend established or when the market moves against the trade, it can be closed manually when some of the 4 Trend Indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Next, each of the 6 entry indicators can be traded in agreement and confirmation of the 4 trend indicators.
With the 4 trend indicators confirmation long trade rules:
- All 4 trend indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend and FSP Fast Trend should be colored blue.
- Some of the 6 entry indicators – FSP Ultra Conservative Entry, FSP Conservative Entry, FSP Medium Aggressive Entry, FSP Aggressive Entry, FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry or FSP Fast Entry should have one closed blue bar and the next current one to be blue also.
- Next, a long entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- The trade can be closed when some of trend indicators flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Aggressive Long Entry with 4 trends confirmation
With the 4 trend indicators confirmation short trade rules:
- All 4 trend indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend and FSP Fast Trend should be colored red.
- Some of the 6 entry indicators – FSP Ultra Conservative Entry, FSP Conservative Entry, FSP Medium Aggressive Entry, FSP Aggressive Entry, FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry or FSP Fast Entry should have one closed red bar and the next current one to be red also.
- Next, a short entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- The trade can be closed when some of trend indicators flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Fast Short Entry with 4 trends confirmation
Each of the 4 Trend Indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend can be traded on its own.
FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend long trade rules:
- FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend to have one closed blue bar and the next current one to be blue also.
- Next, a long entry can be opened.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- The trade can be closed when the indicator flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Conservative Trend Long Entry
FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend short trade rules:
- FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend or FSP Fast Trend to have one closed red bar and the next current one to be red also.
- Next, a short entry can be opened.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- The trade can be closed when the indicator flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Short Trend Short Entry
Each of the 6 entry indicators can be combined with each of the 4 trend indicators and traded together. For example, FSP Conservative Entry indicator can be combined with FSP Short Trend indicator and take entries in that trend direction. But bear in mind that these set ups have less probability for success than the mentioned above.
Long trade rules for trading some of the 6 entry indicators with a confirmation from some of the 4 trend indicators:
- Some of the 4 trend indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend and FSP Fast Trend should be colored blue.
- Some of the 6 entry indicators – FSP Ultra Conservative Entry, FSP Conservative Entry, FSP Medium Aggressive Entry, FSP Aggressive Entry, FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry or FSP Fast Entry should have one closed blue bar and the next current one to be blue also.
- Next, a long entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just below the last swing low point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- The trade can be closed when the trend indicator flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Conservative Long Entry with Short Trend confirmation
Short trade rules for trading some of the 6 entry indicators with a confirmation from some of the 4 trend indicators:
- Some of the 4 trend indicators – FSP Short Trend, FSP Conservative Trend, FSP HTF Trend and FSP Fast Trend should be colored red.
- Some of the 6 entry indicators – FSP Ultra Conservative Entry, FSP Conservative Entry, FSP Medium Aggressive Entry, FSP Aggressive Entry, FSP Ultra Aggressive Entry or FSP Fast Entry should have one closed red bar and the next current one to be red also.
- Next, a short entry can be placed.
- Stop Loss is set just above the last swing high point.
- Take Profit is set as per original FSP rules, depending the market and pair volatility or equal to Stop Loss.
- The trade can be closed when the trend indicator flips to the opposite color or disappears.

Medium Aggressive Short Entry with Fast Trend confirmation
Great System work very well Thanks Forexwots
Hi. I made the allow import .dll in all of the indicators function. But FSP Conservative Trend, FSP Fast, and FSP HTF Trend are not displayed. Those 3 indicators display blank windows. Sir. Any support for me? Thank you.
i try this, but indicator are repaint.
can you email it to me.its not loading
fsp coservative,fsp fast trend, fsp htf trend can not load
hi there guys
same over here,3 indicators are not working,is there any one willing to guide?
1.)FSP conservative trend
2.) FSP Fast Trend
3.) FSP HTF trend
this sytem badly repaints and not reliable. if start trading with this system within day all money will get wipt out
Hi ForexWOT,
Thanks alot. The system look easy to trade.
indicators are repainting?
thanks a lot
its a great system 🙂
Hi ofir atias, Thanks for all your support – please share it with others 🙂 …
I loaded your trading system into MT4
But 3 indicators didnt load up onto the chart
1.) FSP Conservative Trend
2.) FSP Fast Trend
3. FSP HTF Trend
Can you help or assist with this?
Hi bro, all the indicators load perfectly. FCP Forex Trading System is very easy and i love it.