The only thing that could make this system fail over the long term is you not sticking to the rules…….that’s it! If you stick to the rules of the system, you’re going to be smiling from ear to ear as you watch your account grow at an astonishing rate every month from now on.

The Forex Renko Ichimoku With Solar Wind Joy System is incredibly simple and easy to use. Once you are used to it and have made a few trades with it, you’ll find that you’re spending very little time actually running with this system.

Simply to tell us if the market is in a trend or not…..that’s it!
Remember, this is a trend following system, so we use the moving average to determine if there is a trend for us to follow.
If there is a trend to follow, we use another more accurate entry signal to get in to the trade and take our profits.
Hi again. I found the rules for Call when I opened the trading system from the list above in red printing. However, the indicators that I downloaded do not include a cloud. Please tell me where I can locate a download of the cloud as it appears in the screenshot. Thank you. Mirrella.