High Accuracy MT4 TopTrend MACD MTF Trading Strategy

Easy and high accuracy  Top Trend MACD Trading Strategy  – So this strategy is called the Multi Bollinger Bands Stop Strategy which I have been tinkering around with for a while and wanted to share  with all traders.

  • Time Frame: M5 or higher
  • Currency Pairs: Any

Top Trend MACD Trading Strategy is trend following. In this strategy, the  BBands Stop (TOPTREND indicators) will be used primarily as a trend identifier.  We will only take trades in the direction of the trend so BUY in an uptrend and SELL in a downtrend.


MACD MTF Indictor

Although we do not believe in using any indicators in our own trading and we always use the candlesticks charting and Bollinger Bands Stop to find the trade setups, still we believe that MACD is a strong indicator specially for NOVICE TRADERS who are used to get in and out of the market too early.

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MACD is a lagging indicator and its delay makes you be patient, not to rush to enter the market or get out of it too early.


TopTrend MACD MTF Trading Rules

We will only take trades in the direction of the trend so BUY in an uptrend and SELL in a downtrend. Use this trading system for M5 or higher Time Frame.

MetaTrader Trading Indicators:
  • TOPTREND (Bollinger Bands Stop)


How to install “TopTrend MACD MTF Trading System
  • Download “ForexWOT.Com-TopTrendMACD” (Zip/RAR File).
  • Copy mq4 and ex4 files to your Metatrader Directory …/experts/indicators/
  • Copy the “ForexWOT.Com-TopTrendMACD.tpl” file (template) to your Metatrader Directory …/templates /
  • Start or restart your Metatrader Client.
  • Select Chart and Timeframe where you want to test your forex system.
  • Right-click on your trading chart and hover on “Template”.
  • Move right to select “ForexWOT.Com-TopTrendMACD” trading  system and strategy
  • You will see “TopTrend MACD MTF Trading System” is available on your Chart


BUY Rules

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  • TOPTREND (Bollinger Bands Stop): Lime
    • Lime histogram
    • Black line > Red line


SELL Rules

  • TOPTREND (Bollinger Bands Stop): Red
    • Red histogram
    • Black line < Red line


EXIT Position
  • Profit Target 300 pips depends by currency pair.
  • Stop loss 100 pips below or above Bollinger bands stop.


Trading NOTES

Most traders are not patient enough to wait for a strong trade setup. After several minutes, hours or days that they wait for a trade setup (depend on the time frame or system they use), and they cannot locate any, they lose their patience and force themselves to take a position while there is no sharp and clear trade setup. So they lose.

On the other hand, when they succeed to take a good position, they get out too early with a small profit, because they are afraid of losing the profit they have already made. They do not have enough patience to hold a position until it hits the target. So they make their profit limited, because of lack of patience.

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Multiple BBands Stop and MACD is a solution for these problems, because it is delayed and this delay forces you to wait more, both when you are waiting for a trade setup, and when you are holding a position. That’s why BBands Stop and MACD is recommended both by forex and stock traders.



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