Calculation of pivot and similar levels based on time zones.
Time-Zone Inputs:
- LocalTimeZone: TimeZone for which MT4 shows your local time, e.g. 1 or 2 for Europe (GMT+1 or GMT+2 daylight savings time). Use zero for no adjustment. The MetaQuotes demo server uses GMT +2.
- DestTimeZone: TimeZone for the session from which to calculate the levels (e.g. 1 or 2 for the European session (without or with daylight savings time). Use zero for GMT
Example: If your MetaTrader server is located in the EST (Eastern Standard Time, GMT-5) zone and you want to calculate the levels for the London trading session (European time in summer GMT+1), then enter -5 for LocalTimeZone, 1 for Dest TimeZone.
Please understand that the LocalTimeZone setting depends on the time on your MetaTrader charts (for example, the demo server from MetaQuotes always located in CDT (+2) or CET (+1)), no matter what the clock on your wall says.
If in doubt, leave everything to zero.