Forex Nihilist Ultra ADX Trading Strategy – This high accuracy trading system is an extremely low risk, high reward strategy which can and will change your life if you use it properly.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this is probably going to be the easiest money you’ll ever make….it is!
The only thing that could make this system fail over the long term is you not sticking to the rules…….that’s it!
If you stick to the rules of the system, you’re going to be smiling from ear to ear as you watch your account grow at an astonishing rate every month from now on.
- Nihilist Ultra ADX green
- Price above 6 Moving Average lines
- Green Moving Average line above yellow moving average line
- TES Indicator green
- TTL Indicator green
- BB-MACD Dot red and above 0.0002 line

- Nihilist Ultra ADX Red
- Price below 6 Moving Average lines
- Green Moving Average line below yellow moving average line
- TES Indicator red
- TTL Indicator red
- BB-MACD Dot red and below -0.0002 line

My advice is to start slowly, and learn as much as you can before you start trading with more significant amount of money.
Starting with a demo or small account ($100-$300) is a good way to learn more about the trading and your own psychology.
My system is relatively simple and has clear rules with absolutely no space for doubts or hesitation.
Trading like this – with discipline and the right money management gives you an excellent opportunity to profit in the long run.
One last advice – always look to improve your experience, education & skills – trading in general is a subject where you can learn until the end of your life.
when you look at the rules and it says that the ADX indicator has to be red when SELL and green when BUY do you mean it in the actual timeframe you trade? e/g when I trade % min chart do I look at the column with 5 above it?