3+ Key Tips How To Be A Successful Forex Trader

Forex Key Tips and FREE DOWNLOAD TRADING SYSTEM – How To Be A Successful Forex Trader. To be a successful trader you need to know a few things first. And you need to do a few things. However, once those things are known and done, you’re good to go and you can trade away to your heart’s content. Within reason. There are rules you need to follow – that’s what separates the successful from the not so successful – of course.


The First Step Towards Success

Stop trading. It’s that simple. Stop everything you’re doing, step away from the trades. It may sound counter-intuitive, but if you really want to be a successful trader you need to not trade for a week or so. That’s because you need to look at what you’ve been doing in the past and work out what it hasn’t been working for you. You can’t do that if you’re caught up in the middle of a trade. You need to be objective,distant from the action, and really interested in finding out what went wrong.

Now that you’re not trading, you’ve got a week to get ready to go again. The first things to do is look at your trading plan and Trading systems. Below are 5 recommended forex trading systems for you…


Forex Multi TimeFrame Moving Average (MTF MA) High Accuracy Trading Strategy

Forex Multi TimeFrame Moving Average Intraday Trading System is a forex strategy trend following based on the Multi TimeFrame Moving Average Indicators.

Forex traders use moving averages for different reasons. Some use them as their primary analytical tool, while others simply use them as a confidence builder to back up their investment decisions.

A crossover is the most basic type of signal and is favored among many traders because it removes the element of emotion from trading. The most basic type of crossover occurs when the price of an asset moves from one side of a moving average and closes on the other.

The moving average crossover trading strategy brings together a shorter term moving average with a longer term moving average.


Forex Trading Strategy Based on The ADX Currency Strength Indicator

Best and High Profitable Forex Trading Strategy Based on The Currency Strength – This scalping system is a strategy based on the currency strength (JPY, USD, CAD, EUR, CHF, AUD, GBP, NZD).  The best time frame 15 -60 min but this method can also be configured on other time frames.

Average Directional Index (ADX) is used to quantify trend strength. ADX calculations are based on a moving average of price range expansion over a given period of time. The default setting is 14 bars, although other time periods can be used.

ADX can be used on any trading vehicle such as stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and futures. (For background reading, see Exploring Oscillators and Indicators: Average Directional Index and Discerning Movement With The Average Directional Index – ADX.)


Forex Always Trading in Trend With Alligator Trading System and Strategy

Alligator Trend Trading System and Strategy – Always trading in trend it’s an simple trading system trend following. I tried to confirm this: the trend is your friend,”! Trading trends is fairly straight forward and can lead to profitable trading in the appropriate situation on the right pairs.


Time Frame : H1, 4H, and higher.
Financial Markets : Forex, Stocks, Indicies, Commodities.


The Most Accurate Forex Fisher Trading Strategy with Auto Pivot Plotter

The Most Accurate Forex Fisher Trading Strategy – Fisher scalping system in a strategy based on the variations of the fisher indicator.Fischer indicator is based on the mathematical function of called “Fischer Transform.” All the Fisher indicators in this scalping system repaint but i have used differences setting for period and time frame.

Fisher Indicator is a simple indicator that appears in a separate window of the trading platform as a histogram. In a basis of this indicator put mathematical calculations, built on the ratio of current price to the minimum and maximum with extremes of the price of the previous periods.


Holy Grail Forex Dolly Trend Bars Trading System for M15 and M30 Time Frame

So this is too close to that Holy Grail you probably dreamed about. Best Forex Trading Strategy-90% Accurate. This one of a kind Forex trading strategy is based on price dynamics and traders realtime sentiment. Forex Dolly Trend Bars Trading System for M15 and M30 Time Frame.


Best Time Frame:15 or 30 Min


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If you’ve not been successful so far, your plan is not doing its job. You need to update it, or completely start again. Or create one if you don’t have one.There are a number of online courses that will show you exactly what to do, and it’s vital that you have a workable plan that will lead you where you want togo every time; that’s how to be a successful trader. Or at least, that’s one of the ways.

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You also need to organise yourself and becomes more disciplined. That includes seemingly small things like printing out a nice, neat chart and posting it up on a board. Learn patience. You’re going to need a lot of it. Trading is not about rushing in, guns blazing, shooting at every trade you see in the hopes that you’ll hit something worth hitting. It’s about taking the time to plan, aim, and only firing when you are absolutely sure.


The Next Step: What Is Success?

Until you know what your definition of success is (note: your definition, not the definition) you won’t know how to reach it, or even if you already have. To be a successful trader you must have a clear goal in mind. The definition of success might be lots of money, a sports car, a huge house with a swimming pool, but your definition will have to be different if you want to succeed from the beginning. Shift your thinking.Success is about making the right trades at the right time. That will lead to the money and the material thing. But if you can’t take the time to learn to trade and how to be a successful trader, you’ll never get there.

Recommended Article:  How to succeed at Forex Trading with Heiken Ashi Laguerre Trading System and Strategy (HeikenAshi)


Finally, This Is Not A Game

Dead right. Trading is not – or shouldn’t be –considered a game. This is real money, real trades, and if you get it right it can go very right indeed. Unfortunately, if you get it wrong… well, exactly.Let’s not think about that. You’re going to be a successful trader, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem. The key is not to gamble.

Once you become a gambler, you lose that plan you so meticulously worked on and it becomes all about trading more and more – and that’s not sustainable. Trading can become addictive, and that’s when things get dangerous. If you feel that you’re straying from your plan and you’re making mistakes, step away. Take some time to think and refocus. You’ll be glad you did when you come back to be a successful trader again.

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